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Thursday, October 28, 2010

House Hunting tips

Curling season has started already this year, and I played my first game on Tuesday.
I did not curl last year while I was pregnant with Anna, so it's been a long time since I stepped on the ice! I can certainly feel the pain on my arms and legs today!

Today, I have attached some tips on house hunting.


Have a great Halloween weekend ahead.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

For self employed customers

If you are a self employed customer, you will want to check this attached link.

If you are looking for a mortgage, please call me for the trusted advice today!

Enjoy the beautiful day out there!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Take Advantage of the low fixed rates today!

Another beautiful day in Calgary today! Let's hope this last for a long time.

As mentioned, real estate transactions are picking up! I have been busy with various transactions. If you are still not sure if this is a good time to buy or not, you have to read my attached article.

Take advantage of the low interest rate today!


Little Anna reached the 8 months mark this week. How time flies! Here's the latest picture of the kids!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bank of Canada holds the rate!

It’s been a few weeks since I last posted on my blog.

Many things have happened…

My family and I were away on vacation to Toronto and a Caribbean cruise. It was great to get away, and I had a great visit with friends and relatives. Despite, having to work during my vacation, I still enjoyed my time away from the office, and was glad I was able to help out.

We certainly can’t complain about our weather this week. We spent Sunday afternoon picking apples up in our backyard. There were a lot of them and we decided to put Emma to work…but that didn’t last long.

I casted my vote last night as a true Calgarian. I was disappointed my candidate of choice did not win, but wish our new mayor much success and he leads our city to the next level.

I have been very busy and the real estate market is definitely picking up. The low interest rate is definitely helping with the market.

Call me to enquire about the low interest rate choices I can offer today.

The Bank of Canada kept the interest rate unchanged.
Check out the link.

http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/Bank+Canada+holds+rate/3693546/story.html#ixzz12opItQmsHave a great week everyone!