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Friday, November 30, 2012

Calgary Ranks 55th most affordable housing in Canada!

It's last day of November and we are ready for Christmas!

Our Christmas tree went up last weekend and the kids are very excited!
We put our tree in the front window of our home and my daughter, Emma, was very concerned that the chimney is not close enough to the tree and Santa would not be able to drop off the gifts for her!!!
I had to giggle when I heard that...it is such a fun time when they still believe in Santa Claus!

We are so proud of Emma today!  She was the "Student of the Month" for her class at her school!  I could see the excitement in her eyes as she stood up front with her certificate!

The real estate market continues to be hot!  This is my 2nd busiest week on record this year!  Interest rates remains low and many are taking advantage of it.

Call me today so you can get preapproved for your dream home!

This week's article:  Calgary ranks 55th most affordable housing in Canada!

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, November 2, 2012

5 reaons Canada's household debt panic is overblown!

Hope that you had a great Halloween!!

We had 66 kids come by our house and the girls came home with a bucket full of candy!!!
I have already eaten a few of them...not a good thing!

We also made cookies for Emma's school - check it out!  they look pretty good for somebody who does not bake often!

I am glad that October is finally over!  It was a very stressful month.  It began with various hosptial visits for different members of the family and last week was the worst!

My 2 year old Anna was in the Children's hosptial for 5 days.  She began with swollen eyes and lack of appetite over the weekend.  Last Monday she had a little bit of fever.  Tuesday we went to visit the doctor and the fever continued. Wednesday she did not want to eat or drink, fever continued and swollen glands.  Our family doctor recommended to take her to the Children's Hospital.  There we stayed overnight in ER and were admitted in the morning.  She was hooked up to an IV during her stay.  It wasn't until Friday afternoon, the doctors determinded that she had the 'EBV'.  It's common for people to catch this virus at some some point in there lives, but less commom for toddlers to catch this virus.  She hardly ate or drank anything until Friday night.  She slowly recovered over the weekend and we were able to come home!  It was a painful experience for all of us.  I am glad that she is slowly getting back to normal.  However, she's now used to having popsicles 3 times a day and watching 'The Wiggles' ALL day long!

Here is this week's article:

Don't forget time change for this weekend!  Yay!  One more hour of sleep.

Have a great weekend ahead!