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Monday, January 28, 2013

Bank of Canada remains overnight rate target at 1%

Happy Monday!

We had a birthday celebration weekend!

2 Birthday parties, 1 baby shower and my Emma's 6th birthday party!
How did she turn 6 so quickly?  Time sure flies!

Emma had a weekend birthday celebration that started with a Birthday dinner at Olive Gardent on Friday night and ended with 12 little kids birthday party at home and a sushi dinner out....

The weather is nice out, I hope you get a chance to go out and enjoy before the cold weather comes again tomorrow!

Last week flew by quickly for me with many new enquiries with many eager buyers on the market! 

This week's article:
Bank of Canada remains overnight rate target to 1%
The key note on this article: The Bank now expects the economy to reach full capacity in the second half of 2014, later than anticipated in the October MPR.
Core inflation has softened by more than the Bank had expected.

Enjoy and have a great week ahead!
Stay warm tomorrow as the weather is expected to change any moment now!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Calgary Luxury Home Market Sales Growth

It was a busy weekend for our family.

My parents celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversay and we had a house full people to celebrate with....It was a lot of fun!

I wish them many more years of happiness to come!!

We also had out of town visitors and it was fun to catch up and visit the Calgary Tower...

I attended the Annual CREB Forecast Breakfast and Conference. It was a great day of learning!
Here's what they forecast for 2013!

However, I am seeing that the real estate market is picking up with strong activities.

Get in the action now while the interest rate is low!

Check out this week's acticle:  Calgary's Luxury Home Market Sales Growth Best in Canada

Calgary House Price Forecast to Increase 2.5% this year

Enjoy this beautiful day outside!
Have a great week!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2013!  Can you feel the excitement yet??

I hope you all had a great holiday and are ready to welcome 2013!

Our family took off for 1 week on a Carribean cruise.  Unfortuately, we were all sick and had the worst vacation ever!!! Emma cried and said, 'Mom, everybody is having fun, except for us!' I was sad to hear that!  We managed to let the kids played on the beach when we were in Ft Lauderdale for 1 day.  It was quite a windy day, here's a picture of Anna wearing 6 layers of clothes and a scarf so she could build her 'sand castle'.

We got home just in time to celebrate Christmas and New Years.  Santa Claus was good to us, he really enjoyed the milk and cookie we left for him!  I stayed up late just to take a picture of him....

Here's a positive outlook for 2013....'Canada Job Surge...' Canada's economy created far more jobs than expected.  Read on and find out.....

Calgary's market continue to be strong.
'Number of Million Dollars Home hit record high in Calgary'

Have a great week and enjoy it while it's warm out!  Snow in the forcast for later in the week!