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Friday, April 19, 2013

Calgary Home Price Growth best in Canada!

Instead of complaining about the snow, we welcomed it with open arms... or at least my kids did!

We spent our Sunday afternoon and Monday evening playing in the snow and having snow ball fights.  It was great fun!  The best part for me...the kids went to bed early and they slept through the night!!!

My heart goes to Boston...how sad and awful that was...I know a few marathon runners and was glad that nobody I know was running that day....
As the rest of the country's real estate market slows down, Calgary on the other hand is going strong.
Here's this week's article that talks about it;

Have a great weekend everyone and let's hope the sun will be shining soon!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Calgary housing prices bump as inventory thins out

Happy Monday!
Hope you had a good start to the week!
I guess Winter really did not leave us...
Despite the snow, it felt quite refreshing outside this morning!

We had a fun weekend just hanging out.
We had lots of frozen yogurt tasting!
We went for walks and played at the park!

A simple but fun way of enjoying the weekend...

I was on Facebook and one of my friends posted this site and I was so touched by her story...
It was a great reminder to just enjoy the 'regular ordinary days'....
Check it out.. and bring out the tissues...http://www.facebook.com/JustForLaughsGags

The last few weeks have been a busy one.  Lots of real estate activities and competing offers on the market.  Not surprising, as interest rate is record low...unbelievably low...why would you not want to buy your dream home now??
Call for a pre-approval today!

This week's article for you to enjoy!  Here's the reason for all the competing offers...

Have a great week!