'It does not take a Rocket Scientist to offer you a mortgage and rate; but it does take knowledge and expertise to provide you with the Trusted Mortgage Advice that you need. After all, buying a home is the biggest purchase of your lifetime! Learn what is the best financial strategies to set up the mortgage that you need by calling 403 862 7111 today!'

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to you all!
Hope you are ready for Christmas, it's only a few days away!

It has been a busy December!
We were busy stuffing hundreds of calendars, hope that you all received them already!If you are not on the mailing list, be sure to let us know your current address!

Emma had a great time at the Nutcrackers performance. It was a long day but she did a great job. Here's a picture of her while waiting backstage!

I know 2011 will be a great year and we are ready for it.
Here's the latest forecast of what's going to happen in the market.

Talk to you all in the new year!


Monday, December 6, 2010

Canada unemployment rate

Oh mind, where has 2010 gone to?
I can't believe we are only a few weeks away from Christmas!

December is always a busy month! We are excited that Emma will be dancing in the Nutcracker production this Saturday at the Univeristy Theatre. She will be one of the youngest dancers on the stage, and for sure, the smallest one.
Check out this website for tickets and shows information.

What's happening with the (un)employment market?
Check out this article.


Good luck with the remaining of your Christmas shopping!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

5 year fixed rate is going UP!

Winter is HERE!
Thank goodness we have winter tires on already.
The roads are slippery, do drive safe out there!

Most of the banks have increased their 5 year fixed rate!
But there are still a few that have not announced a rate increase yet.
Do call me today if you want a rate hold!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good time to buy!

It sures feels like a Friday today.
It's been a busy few weeks as many are considering to buy to take advantage of the low interest rate.
All the major banks just dropped their 5 year posted rate, that means the 5 year qualifying rate is also lower now.
Time to take advantage of it!
Why not BUY while everyone else is waiting?

The Calgary building permit is lower, another sign that it's a good time to invest.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Top 10 Winter Preparation tips

I just received this email in my inbox and thought it's worth sharing:

As winter approaches it's always a good idea to set aside a few days to prepare your home for the colder weather. The following is our list of top 10 winter preparation tips. Some of the tips mentioned below may require the service of a professional contractor. Be sure to visit www.HandyCanadian.com to find top-rated local contractors for your home winterizing projects.

1. Clean Out Your Fireplace
Before striking that match for the first fire of the season, perform a thorough cleaning of the flue area of your chimney. It is advised that you have a professional check the condition of your chimney to minimize potential chimney fires.

2. Clean Those Gutters
Make sure all leaves and other debris are removed from your gutters before the rains return. Consider taking a garden hose and washing down both the gutter and downspouts. Also make sure the water is properly draining away from the foundation. Once winter returns, any water held back in your gutters by a plugged downspout could freeze and place an unnecessary strain on the gutters themselves.

3. Inspect Your Heating System
Depending on the type of heating system your home has, it is always a good idea to be proactive rather than reactive. If it is a furnace system, make sure it is properly cleaned, the parts are in good working order and the filter has been changed. It might even be a good idea to have a professional inspect it for you in case there is something you may have missed. If your heating system has seen better years, now could be the time to upgrade. After all, you don't want to freeze this winter!

4. Store All Lawn Furniture
It is always a good idea to store your lawn furniture for the winter months ahead. Somewhere around the middle of October is a good time to accomplish this task. By doing so, you will protect your investment from the ravages of winter and get many more years of service from your outdoor furnishings.

5. Inspect The Roof for Possible Loose Shingles
Because the roof is vital in keeping rain out of your house, it is also important that the covering on your roof is secure and in good condition. The number one cause of a leaky roof is damaged or loose shingles. It is not too late to inspect them and make the necessary adjustments before winter sets in. In addition to inspecting your roof, take a look at any tree limbs that might be hanging over your roof and trim them back to prevent potential damage during a snowstorm.

6. Drain Outside Water Spigots
Now is a good time to shut off any water supply to outside faucets and drain them to avoid potential freezing and then bursting after the freeze has passed.

7. Check The Weather-stripping Around Windows
It is believed that energy savings of up to 15 per cent can be realized when all doors and windows are properly weather-stripped. One way to check the efficiency of your current windows and doors is by means of a 'paper test'. This involves shutting the door or window on a piece of paper. If you can then pull the paper out without tearing it, you will need to replace faulty weather-stripping.

8. Properly Insulate Your Home
One of the most important steps is to make sure your home is properly insulated to minimize heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer.

Upgrading the insulation in an existing house is likely to be a cost-effective, energy-efficient measure. Start in areas that lose the most heat, such as attics, basements and crawlspaces. If you are building a house, good insulation installed properly will save you money.

In an existing house, the attic is generally the most cost-effective place to add insulation. A well-insulated attic can reduce year-round energy use by 20-60%, saving you money.

If you are considering a new heating system, but haven't upgraded your insulation, it̢۪s best to do the insulation first as you might be able to buy a smaller heating system after.

9. Repair Those Leaky Faucets
Now would be a good time to make a last run-through of all outside faucets, to ensure they are in good working order. This is where being proactive instead of reactive can save some money on repairs should a leaky faucet freeze during the winter months, only to break once the spring thaw happens. It is also a good idea to protect those faucets with foam insulation covers.

10. Inspect All Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
A rule of thumb is to inspect detectors twice yearly and replace all batteries annually. In addition, ensure you have sufficient detectors throughout the house. Simply follow the instructions given on all detectors to make sure they are fully functional.

For more home improvement tips and to find top-rated contractors, be sure to visit www.HandyCanadian.com today.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Buyers lined up for Condo Project

Hope you all had a good Halloween.
We had so much fun this year.
Here's some pictures of the kids dressing up for the day.

Were you one of many that lined up for the condo purchase this past weekend?


The real estate market is not as slow as many think!
The 3 year 2.90% is still on! It's a good deal that you don't want to miss.

Don't forget to 'fall back' with the time change this weekend.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

House Hunting tips

Curling season has started already this year, and I played my first game on Tuesday.
I did not curl last year while I was pregnant with Anna, so it's been a long time since I stepped on the ice! I can certainly feel the pain on my arms and legs today!

Today, I have attached some tips on house hunting.


Have a great Halloween weekend ahead.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

For self employed customers

If you are a self employed customer, you will want to check this attached link.

If you are looking for a mortgage, please call me for the trusted advice today!

Enjoy the beautiful day out there!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Take Advantage of the low fixed rates today!

Another beautiful day in Calgary today! Let's hope this last for a long time.

As mentioned, real estate transactions are picking up! I have been busy with various transactions. If you are still not sure if this is a good time to buy or not, you have to read my attached article.

Take advantage of the low interest rate today!


Little Anna reached the 8 months mark this week. How time flies! Here's the latest picture of the kids!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bank of Canada holds the rate!

It’s been a few weeks since I last posted on my blog.

Many things have happened…

My family and I were away on vacation to Toronto and a Caribbean cruise. It was great to get away, and I had a great visit with friends and relatives. Despite, having to work during my vacation, I still enjoyed my time away from the office, and was glad I was able to help out.

We certainly can’t complain about our weather this week. We spent Sunday afternoon picking apples up in our backyard. There were a lot of them and we decided to put Emma to work…but that didn’t last long.

I casted my vote last night as a true Calgarian. I was disappointed my candidate of choice did not win, but wish our new mayor much success and he leads our city to the next level.

I have been very busy and the real estate market is definitely picking up. The low interest rate is definitely helping with the market.

Call me to enquire about the low interest rate choices I can offer today.

The Bank of Canada kept the interest rate unchanged.
Check out the link.

http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/Bank+Canada+holds+rate/3693546/story.html#ixzz12opItQmsHave a great week everyone!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Moon Festival

Happy Moon Festival to you all!

This is the first year in a long time that I did not have a 'moon cake' to celebrate the special occasion. Our family usually gathered together for dinner, partake in some moon cake and enjoy the beauty of the full moon.

Check the attached link to learn more about the Moon Festival.


It has been a busy month. There are a lot of people buying and looking, so don't miss out this perfect opportunity to find a dream home of yours.

With a warmer weather coming up, maybe it's time to look around town for that perfect home.

2.90% for 3 year fixed and 3.59% for 5 year fixed are just two examples of good mortgage rates out there! (of course, subject to change without notice)

Have a great weekend.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Buying a property in the US?

I just came back from a quick getaway to Kelowna for the long weekend. It was a nice, relaxing break! It feels like it’s been a long time since I had one of those! I have not been to Kelowna for quite a few years and was reminded what a beautiful place it is. We walked along the lake every morning and the day ended with a cone from the ‘Moo-Lix Ice-cream shop’. Our lunches at the different vineyards were wonderful! Not to mention all the great wine tasting that we enjoyed.

Now that the kids are back in school, many are now putting their plans in to action, regarding real estate purchasing. I am busy with many different transactions. If you are thinking of getting into the market, this is a good time to act.

I have had lots of calls from clients regarding ‘buying a property in the US’ If you are thinking of this kind of investment, you will want to watch the attached video clip.

Have a good week!


Monday, August 30, 2010

A Blurrr Monday!

Happy Monday or should I say ‘Happy Blurrrr Monday’!!

I am feeling blue that the ‘fall’ feel is in the air, I guess that’s what happened with school starting this week. I think I even saw some leaves changing color on some trees.

First day of school for us is Wednesday, it’s time to train little Emma to wake up bright and early! Like many other kids, she’s been used to sleeping-in in the morning, I hope she won’t take too long to adjust!

Last Tuesday, I had the opportunity to be a VIP guest for the Globalfest Fireworks and we enjoyed Portugal’s fireworks show. Luckily, it was a fairly warm evening. Congratulations to Spain as the winner of this year’s Firework competition.

It has been a quiet summer for real estate this year. But with the start of school, this usually means the real estate market will start picking up again. Try to beat the rush by finding your perfect home before someone else snaps it up this upcoming long weekend. There are a lot of rate specials right now, call me and enquire about it today.


Have a great week and weekend ahead.

Monday, August 23, 2010

How is your credit score calculated?

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Saturday started out as a cold and cloudy day, but it turned out to be a nice afternoon.
We spent the afternoon at Lake Bonavista, thanks to the invitation of a good friend.
Emma had fun building sand castle and playing in the water. If I ever give up inner city living, Lake Bonavista would be my first choice of a community to live in!

My little Anna is a one brave cookie! She had her 6th month vaccination on Friday and she didn’t cry at all! Although she has been a little grumpy all weekend long!

Have you ever wonder how your credit score is calculated?
Here’s a good article to read on.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy 6th month birthday to Anna!

Happy 6th month birthday to my dearest Anna! I can't believe half year flew by just like that. I am blessed to have a healthy baby and an active/talkative toddler in my life. Here's a latest picture of Anna.

Here's the latest outlook on the economy and thoughts on the Bank of Canada rate.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Basics of Mortgages

It was a beautiful weekend, hope you had a chance to get out and enjoy it!

We headed to Chinatown on Saturday afternoon and joined the fun for the 10th Chinatown Street Festival as we celebrated 100th years of history in Canada. There was a big crowd on hand and we ran into lots of friends.

I took the 2 girls out for a stroll on Sunday and Emma said to me ‘Mommy, I like this house. I think we should build a new house so we have more space’ LOL! I am not sure what kind of space a 3 ½ year old needs! If your kids are telling you to get more space as well, maybe it’s time to consider buying in this quiet real estate market!

Want to know the basics of Mortgages? Check out this Government of Canada website.

or contact me and I would be happy to explain all you need to know, and answer any questions you might have.

Have a great week.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

3 year fixed rate: 2.90%

Hot off the press!
3 year fixed rate at 2.90%.
That's an awesome rate!
Call me today!

(mortgage must fund by Oct 15, 2010)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Calgary: one of the Top 10 Cities to buy in Canada

August is “birthday party” month for us, as we are booked every weekend with a birthday party. We attended an outdoor party on Saturday and had lots of fun. It seems like it’s the first time in a long time we got to hangout outside, with no rain or hail, and only a few mosquitoes trying to bite us.

I can’t believe half of summer has already gone by, and realize it’s time to get outdoors and plan some activities before winter comes marching around the corner.

Hope you have been getting outside and enjoying your summer too.

Came across this article that I find interesting. Calgary is still the best place in the country to buy a property, so what are you waiting for.


Have a good week.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mortgage rate is still affordable

I am looking forward to the long weekend!

Time to spend with family and friends.

It’s been a busy few weeks and many people are considering entering the real estate market while it’s still slow.

Why not join them? It’s definitely a good time to get some good deals.

With Prime rate going up, what’s on your mind? Read today’s Calgary Sun’s article.

Have a good long weekend.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rate hike as expected

We took the kids to a nice restaurant for the first time, and to my surprise, they both behaved quite well.
We dined at the Newport Grill overlooking Lake Bonavista, it was my first visit and the food was good and the view was great.

My husband and I bought last minute tickets to Stage West last night to watch their concert series special of ‘A Tribute to Elton John & Billy Joel’. It was good music and awesome food. The desserts were even better!

As many predicted, Bank of Canada announced a rate hike this morning.
Although a rate hike, but slower economic recovery is expected.

Monday, July 19, 2010

23 Year Anniversay in Canada

This years Stampede had many sad events, extreme weather, and ended on sad note with the midway accident, my heart goes out to the injured teens, hoping their recovery from the accident is a speedy one. Also, I am saddened by injuries and death of the horses at this year’s event.

Nevertheless, we enjoyed the Stampede this year. We managed to attend 2 different Pancake Breakfast and enjoyed some ‘country music’ and yummy pancakes. We also make it down to the grounds to take in the sites and sounds. We really enjoyed the ice show.

This week marks my 23 year anniversary in Canada! Every anniversary starts me reminiscing of my time in Canada and the great memories I have gathered.

Talks are that the Bank of Canada will be announcing a rate hike in the upcoming meeting. However, despite the rate increase, variable rate mortgage continues to be a choice for many customers. Call me today if you want to know if it’s the rate for you.


Have a great week.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Happy Stampede to you all!
I took my daughters to the Kids' Day on Wednesday and we had a blast!
We had fun watching 'Fifi the Flowertots' on the Coca-Cola stage, followed by entertainment with 'Doo Doo The clown'.
The 'Superdogs' was just as good as always and we loved the Aquabatic Ice Show.

Will Prime rate goes up at the next Bank of Canada meeting?
Here's article that talks about it.

Enjoy your Stampede weekend!