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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Basics of Mortgages

It was a beautiful weekend, hope you had a chance to get out and enjoy it!

We headed to Chinatown on Saturday afternoon and joined the fun for the 10th Chinatown Street Festival as we celebrated 100th years of history in Canada. There was a big crowd on hand and we ran into lots of friends.

I took the 2 girls out for a stroll on Sunday and Emma said to me ‘Mommy, I like this house. I think we should build a new house so we have more space’ LOL! I am not sure what kind of space a 3 ½ year old needs! If your kids are telling you to get more space as well, maybe it’s time to consider buying in this quiet real estate market!

Want to know the basics of Mortgages? Check out this Government of Canada website.

or contact me and I would be happy to explain all you need to know, and answer any questions you might have.

Have a great week.

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