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Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to Anna

It's hard to believe that it's been 1 year. My little daughter celebrated her 1st birthday this month. We had a small party for her and she enjoyed 'sliding around' in her little tutu....

Our family has also been hit with the cold germs that have been circulating around town. We are still battling it, but hopefully it will go away soon enough.

Despite the cold, we still made it to the Home and Garden Show this past weekend. It was a 'big' show. It took us at least 3 hours to walk through the show and we could have spent more time there.

Today is the deadline to buy RRSP, if you are still considering rather it's better to buy RRSP or pay down your mortgage.
Here's a site that may answer some of the commonly asked questions:


Have a great week and try to stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - she looks so grown up now. Happy be-lated birthday to her.
