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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Calgary is the world's 5th most livable city

What happened to our beautiful, hot, and sunny weather? Let's hope all of this gloomy weather will go away before the weekend comes.

School is starting soon, a reminder to all that 'school zones' will take affect tomorrow between 7:30am - 5:00pm.

We spent the weekend at the splash park, here's a picture of the kids enjoying some fun at our neighbourhood park.

As you have heard, Calgary is the world's 5th most livable city! Why would you move anywhere else?


Home is still affordable in most markets...


Now that it's September, time to start to think about the dream home you want to be to celebate your Christmas! Call me for a pre-approval!

Enjoy your long weekend ahead!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pull back on variable rate

I was saddened by the news of the passing of Jack Layton. Political views aside, I admired his commitment, courageous attitude and optimism. Just when he reached a pinnacle in his career...we must remember to always Treasure what you have...

We were invited to the Globefest to mingle and watch the specular fireworks from China. We were thankful the night was warm and the evening was a lot of fun.

Saturday was "birthday parties’ day" for us. We celebrated 2 little girls' 5th birthdays, and our good friend, Paul Talbot's 60th birthday. We had lots of fun.

The week will end with more fun at the splash park, a perfect activity for the hot summer days.

If you have not heard already, most of the banks have pulled back on the variable rate discount. RBC started the lead on it on Tuesday and every other bank followed. There’s still 1 bank that have not reduced it yet.


With the increase of variable rate, it may make a 'medium' term rate more attractive.

Yet, some rumor has it that 'interest rate is set to fall'?


It should be a beautiful weekend coming up, enjoy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rate hike on back burner

Holy, where did this week go?
I can't believe it's already Friday....
It sure feels like this summer flew by fast, so we are trying to spend as much time outside as possible.

We were out at the Bowness Park enjoying a summer afternoon BBQ with good friends this past Sunday, and you will probably find me there again this coming Sunday....
I love the park, the open space and the peaceful feeling you get when you are outdoors...if only we could get a few more days to the summer months, that would even be better!

Although the stock market is on a roller coaster ride, it has been totally opposite in the real estate industry. There have been more deals closing, and houses are selling fast as we approach the end of summer.

The good news is Interest Rates will remain low, see this week's article to find out more.


Enjoy your weekend ahead!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Best time to get a FIxed Rate Mortgage

I hope that your home/car survived the horrific storm on Friday night. We were thinking of heading to Market Mall for some quick shopping, and thankfully we did not as we later heard about all the flooding on the roads in the NW.

Saturday we headed to the 'Wiggles' concert. They are the 4 Australian Children Entertainers. The kids LOVE them, including my kids. This was their '20th Birthday tour' and we made a birthday poster just for them. Emma was so happy that 'Murray' read her card on the stage.

I was at an Open House this Saturday. We had a number of people stopped by. Many are now thinking of buying homes as the summer is ending soon.

As the market is having a 'rollar-coaster' ride, you are probably thinking what is happening to the mortgage rates.

Fixed rate interest will most likely drop but the banks are holding back until the market stablizes. So, there's no better time to buy than now!


There's no need to panic....


Did they get it wrong?


As we watch how the market unfolds, this is the time to take advantage of the low interest rate!

Contact me today to see how much you can qualify for!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

condo market is coming back up?

Hope you all had a enjoyable long weekend!
We spent our Saturday at the zoo, it was a great fun for the kids. We loved our visit with the butterflies....Emma learned lots from the butterfly expert!

Last week, I was fortunate to spend a couple days with other industry members at the Banff Springs Hotel. It was great fun and we shared many industry success stories.

There has been much activity in the market...and the condo market is surging back up....
Check out this week's article:


Have a great week and please call if you have any questions...