'It does not take a Rocket Scientist to offer you a mortgage and rate; but it does take knowledge and expertise to provide you with the Trusted Mortgage Advice that you need. After all, buying a home is the biggest purchase of your lifetime! Learn what is the best financial strategies to set up the mortgage that you need by calling 403 862 7111 today!'

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Best time to get a FIxed Rate Mortgage

I hope that your home/car survived the horrific storm on Friday night. We were thinking of heading to Market Mall for some quick shopping, and thankfully we did not as we later heard about all the flooding on the roads in the NW.

Saturday we headed to the 'Wiggles' concert. They are the 4 Australian Children Entertainers. The kids LOVE them, including my kids. This was their '20th Birthday tour' and we made a birthday poster just for them. Emma was so happy that 'Murray' read her card on the stage.

I was at an Open House this Saturday. We had a number of people stopped by. Many are now thinking of buying homes as the summer is ending soon.

As the market is having a 'rollar-coaster' ride, you are probably thinking what is happening to the mortgage rates.

Fixed rate interest will most likely drop but the banks are holding back until the market stablizes. So, there's no better time to buy than now!


There's no need to panic....


Did they get it wrong?


As we watch how the market unfolds, this is the time to take advantage of the low interest rate!

Contact me today to see how much you can qualify for!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. you always give the Best Mortgage Advice i changed by mortgage to a fixed rate about a week ago and it would seem just in time.
