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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Breaking your mortgage, is it worth it?

We had our first day of Spring! and hopefully that means no more snow!

Anna went to her first swimming class on Monday night! She cried through the whole class and in the shower. She DID NOT like it at all... What was I thinking? We went through that with Emma too. We re-started her in swimming classess 3 months ago but thankfully she's loving it now.

When I asked Anna, 'How was swimming?'
She said 'Goooood'
'Did you cry?'

With the attractive 2.99% interest rate, I have had many people enquiring about breaking their mortgage. The key question is: Is it worth it?
Here's an article that talks more about it.
I like to run the numbers for my clients before advising to move forward or not.


Have a great week ahead!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2.99% is Back!

Our family still is adapting to the 'Spring Forward' time change! Although we are not complaining about the extra hour of daylight, it sure put our sleeping schedule 'out of whack!'

I was spoiled this past weekend! We had a 'Girls Night Out!'
It's been a long time for me since I had one of those, and it was a lot of fun!!
We enjoyed a fabulous dinner at 'Escoba' and drinks at the 'Belgo'.
We promised to have one, once a month, as a way to relax and escape from the kids!

2.99% interest rate is BACK!!! Please make sure you take part in this ultra low interest rate before it's too late. This is a LIMITED TIME SPECIAL! Call me and get this rate hold for you!

This week, I am attaching this great article: 3 ways a Credit Report can flag bad tenants! If you are a landlord, you will want to read this!


Enjoy the spring weather out there! I can't wait to get out to go for a walk! Here's a picture of my girls out and about this past weekend!

Have a great week!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A WIN for conusmers on Mortgage Penalty Calculations

The roads are wet and yucky out there! I hope you all had a safe drive home!

The weekend flew by quickly for us. We celebrated it with the Lee's Assocation annual Chinese New Year dinner on Sunday night! My husband and I always look forward to it every year! Thanks to Harvey for the invite!

I am still trying to pop Cold FX to avoid coming down with a cold... cross my fingers this sore throat will go away soon!

It's once again Dining week, are you out there enjoying a fancy feast?? If not, you have to check it out.

Just yesterday, the Harper government announced a brand new 'mortgage code' to ensure "lenders" provide enhanced information on mortgage prepayment charges to assist borrowers in making decisions about prepayment of their mortgage!

For more information, please check on this link!

This is a big win for consumers, as I noticed that there are a lot of people out there that are unsure/unaware how mortgage penalties are calculated! This will clear it all up for all of us!

Enjoy this beautiful week ahead!
Don't forget it's time to Spring our clocks FORWARD this coming weekend!