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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Breaking your mortgage, is it worth it?

We had our first day of Spring! and hopefully that means no more snow!

Anna went to her first swimming class on Monday night! She cried through the whole class and in the shower. She DID NOT like it at all... What was I thinking? We went through that with Emma too. We re-started her in swimming classess 3 months ago but thankfully she's loving it now.

When I asked Anna, 'How was swimming?'
She said 'Goooood'
'Did you cry?'

With the attractive 2.99% interest rate, I have had many people enquiring about breaking their mortgage. The key question is: Is it worth it?
Here's an article that talks more about it.
I like to run the numbers for my clients before advising to move forward or not.


Have a great week ahead!

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