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Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 year fixed rate is going up for most banks!

Happy Belated Valentine to you!

We celebrated it quietly just like a regular day! My husband and girls bought me a beautiful heart-shaped Strawberry cake and we did not end up cutting it until the the day after!

I am looking forward to the long weekend as our little sweet Anna will be celebrating her 2nd birthday! I can't believe she is 2 and she has lots to say! We have been practicing how to sing 'Happy Birthday' at home, so she will be all ready for her party this weekend.

The market is busy! Fixed rate is looking upward, if you want to lock in a rate, please do so by calling/emailing me ASAP!
With the nice weather, be sure to go out on the weekend to look at some Open Houses!

Here's a rate forecast article for you to read on!

Enjoy your upcoming Family long weekend!

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