'It does not take a Rocket Scientist to offer you a mortgage and rate; but it does take knowledge and expertise to provide you with the Trusted Mortgage Advice that you need. After all, buying a home is the biggest purchase of your lifetime! Learn what is the best financial strategies to set up the mortgage that you need by calling 403 862 7111 today!'

Monday, February 27, 2012

Rarely do you find me laying in bed during the day but that's exactly what I did last week! The 'stomach flu' hit our household and I was sick in bed for a few days!
I am popping my 'cold fx' to avoid catching my husband's cold, as I cannot afford to be down for anymore days!

Anna celebrated her 2nd birthday! We had a weekend celebration for her.
The question is: 'Does the terrible 2's really start on the day that they turn 2?' We noticed a change the day after her birthday....but maybe its all in our imagination!

There are a lot of rumors swirling around that the government is looking at tightening the mortgage rules...so if you are thinking of buying, ACT NOW before it's too late.
Call me today and I will connect you with an experienced realtor to get you started!


Have a great week! Enjoy the snow! Spring is right around the corner!

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