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Friday, July 13, 2012

Yee Haw!! Calgary House Sale activity sparks memories of 2007?

Happy last weekend of Stampede!

Hope you are enjoying our 100th year of celebration.

As usual, we made our way to the Stampede parade on Friday morning. This year, we had great seats, (Thank You Tom). We had our own private balcony with prime a view!

I also had the opportunity to watch the Chuckwagons and the Grandstand show on Sunday night. It was THE BEST! Paul Brandt was awesome and the show was spectacular.

We took the kids to the Stampede ground on Wednesday and we had so much fun! The weather was hot and it was perfect for our outing.

Now with the new change of the mortgage rules, here are a few clarifying points that you need to know:

. Conventional mortgages remains at maximum amortizatoin of 30 years (ie. 20% or more downpayment)

. maximum ratio qualification of GDS 39% and TDS 44% only applies to High Ratio mortgage (ie. <20% downpayment) I have not noticed any changes to the market with the new mortgage rules. I expect interset rate to remain the same as this makes qualification as easy as before. Check out this news article. The Calgary market is as strong as ever! http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/real-estate/Calgary+house+sale+activity+sparks+memories+2007/6875505/story.html

If you have any questions, please send me an email or give me a call.

Enjoy the rest of the Stampede! as we celebrate the 100th year of the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth!

Yee Haw!

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