'It does not take a Rocket Scientist to offer you a mortgage and rate; but it does take knowledge and expertise to provide you with the Trusted Mortgage Advice that you need. After all, buying a home is the biggest purchase of your lifetime! Learn what is the best financial strategies to set up the mortgage that you need by calling 403 862 7111 today!'

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Canada Economy's surges ahead!

We just returned from a week long cruise vacation on Royal Carribean's "Allure of the Seas" to the Eastern Carribean!!!

We had a great time!

This is the our 2nd time on the biggest ship in the industry, and we got to do many of the things that we missed out on the last time.

I had fun 'zipping' on the zipline on the cruiseship. To my surprise, I did not find it scary at all.

We spent a solid day at the beach with the kids, and they had a blast!

But then, when did I ever complain about my vacation?

After a busy month of October, November turned out to be a steady month.

The 1st week of December has been a busy one also, perhaps it's because:


Enjoy your week!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bank of Canada could slash rate next year!

It's been many busy weeks I have had in a row. To make life even more exciting, our family was hit with the stomach flu last week. Everyone was sick and it all started with attending a kid's birthday party.....

It's Rememberance Day tomorrow and here's the link to the time and location of services held in Calgary.


It is a HOT, HOT market out there! Call me if you are thinking of buying a home, and if needed, I can refer you to many experienced realtors in town.

The market is sure going through some rough times.
Here's the latest news in our financial markets.




Have a great weekend ahead!
It looks like the beautiful weather will be with us for a bit longer!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Now is time for FIXED rates!

Another week just flew by for me, strong momentum in the market is making it a very busy time. I hope you are part of the action!

If you are an early riser, I invite you to come out to support me as I compete in the “Toastmasters' Division C Humorous Speech and Table Topics Competition” this Saturday, Oct 22.

Time: 8:30am to 12 pm
Location: Thornhill Baptist Church , 128, Tache AV NW Calgary, AB

You will get the chance to will hear many great speakers and perhaps you will want to become a Toastmaster yourself!

This week, I have found this great article that talks about the current interest rate. You will want to read more about it.


Contact me today as there's some GREAT LOW FIXED RATES for you to choose from!

Enjoy your weekend ahead!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Inflation jumps but interest rates likely to remain low for some time

Congrats to Alison Redford. What a ride that was! Many, including me, were surprised with a result. She ran a great campaign and let's hope she will follow through with her promises!

I think the most interesting part is the upcoming election to see 2 female party leaders battle it out!


In case you want to know more about Alison Redford: http://www.alisonredford.ca/alison/biography.cfm.

The last few weeks have been very busy in this real estate market.

Interest rate is expected to remain low...
so what are you waiting for??

And you will want to read this story, it mentions in the bottom of the article...
The housing market in Calgary, on the other hand, is expected to pick up as oil and natural gas prices which underpin the Alberta economy rebound

Enjoy this week ahead as we are expecting beautiful Fall weather! What more can we ask for??

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Foreign investors help keep mortgage rates low!

Happy Wednesday, where have all the 30+ degree days gone? The cool, crisp mornings are a sure sign that Fall is here.

My daugther, Emma, started Kindergarten last Friday and she seems to be enjoying it. I can't believe that she is all grown up and is going to school! I held back my tears as I dropped her off for her first day of school. Here's a picture of her getting ready ... little Anna wanted to be part of the action too...

As September came, the phone started to ring non-stop. Many have jumped into the action and are looking for their dream home...

Interest rate continues to remain low, here's an article that explains to you why....

Understand what a 'Straw Buyer' is, so you are not caught in part of 'mortgage fraud'...

Have a good week everyone!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Calgary is the world's 5th most livable city

What happened to our beautiful, hot, and sunny weather? Let's hope all of this gloomy weather will go away before the weekend comes.

School is starting soon, a reminder to all that 'school zones' will take affect tomorrow between 7:30am - 5:00pm.

We spent the weekend at the splash park, here's a picture of the kids enjoying some fun at our neighbourhood park.

As you have heard, Calgary is the world's 5th most livable city! Why would you move anywhere else?


Home is still affordable in most markets...


Now that it's September, time to start to think about the dream home you want to be to celebate your Christmas! Call me for a pre-approval!

Enjoy your long weekend ahead!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pull back on variable rate

I was saddened by the news of the passing of Jack Layton. Political views aside, I admired his commitment, courageous attitude and optimism. Just when he reached a pinnacle in his career...we must remember to always Treasure what you have...

We were invited to the Globefest to mingle and watch the specular fireworks from China. We were thankful the night was warm and the evening was a lot of fun.

Saturday was "birthday parties’ day" for us. We celebrated 2 little girls' 5th birthdays, and our good friend, Paul Talbot's 60th birthday. We had lots of fun.

The week will end with more fun at the splash park, a perfect activity for the hot summer days.

If you have not heard already, most of the banks have pulled back on the variable rate discount. RBC started the lead on it on Tuesday and every other bank followed. There’s still 1 bank that have not reduced it yet.


With the increase of variable rate, it may make a 'medium' term rate more attractive.

Yet, some rumor has it that 'interest rate is set to fall'?


It should be a beautiful weekend coming up, enjoy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rate hike on back burner

Holy, where did this week go?
I can't believe it's already Friday....
It sure feels like this summer flew by fast, so we are trying to spend as much time outside as possible.

We were out at the Bowness Park enjoying a summer afternoon BBQ with good friends this past Sunday, and you will probably find me there again this coming Sunday....
I love the park, the open space and the peaceful feeling you get when you are outdoors...if only we could get a few more days to the summer months, that would even be better!

Although the stock market is on a roller coaster ride, it has been totally opposite in the real estate industry. There have been more deals closing, and houses are selling fast as we approach the end of summer.

The good news is Interest Rates will remain low, see this week's article to find out more.


Enjoy your weekend ahead!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Best time to get a FIxed Rate Mortgage

I hope that your home/car survived the horrific storm on Friday night. We were thinking of heading to Market Mall for some quick shopping, and thankfully we did not as we later heard about all the flooding on the roads in the NW.

Saturday we headed to the 'Wiggles' concert. They are the 4 Australian Children Entertainers. The kids LOVE them, including my kids. This was their '20th Birthday tour' and we made a birthday poster just for them. Emma was so happy that 'Murray' read her card on the stage.

I was at an Open House this Saturday. We had a number of people stopped by. Many are now thinking of buying homes as the summer is ending soon.

As the market is having a 'rollar-coaster' ride, you are probably thinking what is happening to the mortgage rates.

Fixed rate interest will most likely drop but the banks are holding back until the market stablizes. So, there's no better time to buy than now!


There's no need to panic....


Did they get it wrong?


As we watch how the market unfolds, this is the time to take advantage of the low interest rate!

Contact me today to see how much you can qualify for!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

condo market is coming back up?

Hope you all had a enjoyable long weekend!
We spent our Saturday at the zoo, it was a great fun for the kids. We loved our visit with the butterflies....Emma learned lots from the butterfly expert!

Last week, I was fortunate to spend a couple days with other industry members at the Banff Springs Hotel. It was great fun and we shared many industry success stories.

There has been much activity in the market...and the condo market is surging back up....
Check out this week's article:


Have a great week and please call if you have any questions...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dollar within striking distance of modern-day high

I am already looking forward to the upcoming long weekend!
The best thing is I don't have anything planned!

We recently purchased a 'Strider Bike' for Emma and she loves it! I wished we would have bought it sooner for her. If you have a toddler, this is the bike to consider!

This week, I came across this interesting article for you to read on.


Enjoy the upcoming long weekend! Call me anytime with your mortgage questions.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bank of Canada maintains it's interest rate

Hope everyone had a great Stampede!

We took the opportunity to have some fun on the grounds.
The kids enjoyed being cowgirls and the opportunity to catch a glimpse of Prince William and Princess Kate.

We were fortunate to have tickets to the Chuckwagon Finals and watched a spectacular Grandstand show.

Bank of Canada decided to leave interest rate the same.
Here's the latest news update:

The real estate market has been busy, call me today to find out what the best mortgage strategy is for you.

Have a great week.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Should buy into real estate or not?

Hope you all had a Happy Canada Day!
We had a fun weekend!
We celebrated Canada Day at the Princess Island Park!
It was fun just to get out and do something outdoor!

We headed to Bowness Park on Saturday for an outdoor BBQ! It's one of my favourite activities in the summer. The kids had fun running around, flying kites and playing at the park.

We also did some much needed yard work!

The fixed rate is going up (some has gone up already! If you are in the market, please let me know!)

Here's a good article for you to read:

Yee Haa! Let's get into the Stampede spirit and it's just around the corner! How many pancake breakfasts will you be attending?

Have a great week!

Monday, June 27, 2011

No plans to change the mortgage rules....

Happy Monday everyone!

Hope you are enjoying the sun, it's beautiful outside! We were at the Riley Park and the kiddie pool for a school picnic and some much needed sun! It was so much fun.

We just returned from a mini-vacation in Kelowna. It was not as much fun as we had hoped. We enjoyed lunches at a couple of different wineries, and walks along the water in the downtown core. The weather was overcast and cloudy most of the time, and a bit chilly.

We were also fortunate to have 2 vistors from Hong Kong to stay with us. One of them is singer/composer/songwriter,Peco Chui www.pecochui.com, stayed with us for a few days.

He is a talented musician and we enjoyed his ability to just 'play' music for us.
It was great fun to have him around.

Fixed rate mortgage continues to drop!
It's time to act and get a 'rate hold' for your mortgage.
Call me today for any questions that you may have.

Here's the latest article that you would be interested to read:


Have a great week ahead.
Happy Canada Day!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Fixed Rate is dropping again!

Rain, Rain, Go Away!
I have had enough of rain, it's time for sunshine!
Hopefully we will get that soon.

We had a busy Saturday.
We attended Emma's Chinese School Year End Ceremony.
We were proud parents as she received an award for her hard work.
I was also impressed with the speeches that the students presented at the ceremony.

Then we headed to the University of Calgary and attended the Calgary Senior College Graduation.

The 5 year fixed rate have dropped quite a few times!
It's time to do a pre-approval and lock in that rate.

Here's an interesting article that indicates 'little risk of another recession'.


Have a great week ahead!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Prime rate unchanged!

We had a fabulous weekend. After having missed it for a few years, we made it to the Lilace Festival on Sunday.
Strollers are definitely needed, but not recommended! It was jam-packed with people and we could not go anywhere.
Nonetheless, it was a great day.

As expected, Bank of Canada left the interest rate unchanged.
The next rate hike maynot be until October?
Read on and find out.



Enjoy the sun!

Friday, May 20, 2011

House prices going up?

Happy Friday! I am looking forward to the long weekend ahead...to some, it has already started.... let's hope the weather stays nice.

We are attending a wedding tomorrow night, and I will be the MC for the evening. It's been sometime since I last MC'ed at a wedding, lets hope I do a good job.

The last few weeks have been extremely busy with new purchases.
Are you taking advantage of the low interest rate before it's gone?

Here's an interesting article for you to read up on.

http://www.calgaryherald.com/business/Calgary+most+attractive+housing+affordability+Canada/4815785/story.htmlHave a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No more changes to the Mortgage Rules

It's a beautiful day and I am looking forward to go to the park after dinner.
Hope you have been able to get out to enjoy the sun.

The real estate market is busy, what are you waiting for?

If you are worried that more changes to come with the mortgage rules? NO NEED TO WORRY! Read the attached 'article'


Have a great week!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day/ Downshift of the economy?

Happy Mother's Day to all the loving and hard working mothers!

Our celebration began yesterday with lunch and dinner outings and it continues onto today! I am fortuate to have a great family to celebrate with.

It's been a busy few weeks, real estate business is getting busy again. What are you waiting for?

Here's an article that talks about the downshift of the economy.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Inflation is up higher than expected!

Hope you are all enjoying the "better" weather outside although we are still 10 degrees below normal.

Apparently it was my fault it snowed last week, as we changed to our summer tires the day before!

We are excited with the upcoming long weekend. We are heading to the Butterfield Acres for their Legendary Easter Hunt!

Our inflation is up higher than expected. It's the biggest jump for quite some time.
Read the attached article.


Happy Easter! We will be full with turkey and ham this weekend.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What the analysts have to say about the rates?

We stopped at the new Lowe's on 16th Ave and Barlow Trail on the weekend and I was impressed; impressed with their service! Unlike other stores, we were greeted with many smiles. We were also able to find help when we needed it and they were very helpful.

We then headed to Home Depot and noticed a huge difference in customer service there too. That just shows competition really makes a difference.

It sure looks like Christmas outside, besides the slushy road, it's beautifuly out.

Bank of Canada decided to keep it's interest rate the same this week.
What is the economist saying about it?? Read the attached article.

Have a great weekend ahead.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mortgage literacy crucial for 1st time home buyer!

What a crazy weekend!
However, it turned out to be a good one on Sunday!
We spent the afternoon playing outside in the snow.

First time home buyer?
Call me today to get an expert advice!


Interest rate is heading up, call me today to hold that rate!
Enjoy the week ahead.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The reason to talk to Me!

I came across this article today and it talks about the difference between a mortgage broker and the bank...

Get your mortgage advice from A Mortgage EXPERT!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Election pushes back rate hike?

OMG, where have I been the last year?

After a line up of almost 2 hours on Saturday morning, we are finally owners of the new IPAD 2! We are already addicted to it! It's so much fun. I didn't know how much fun I have been missing out on for so long.

Now, the only problem is EVERYONE wants to use it at the same time, including Emma and Anna!

I am not in support of another federal election, but if it means that it will delay the Bank of Canada Rate Hike, I am okay with that.


Let's hope Spring will arrive soon!

Have a great week

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lower Mortgage Rates!

Hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day and had some green beer???

Finally, it's time for some nice weather! Hopefully it will stay nice for quite sometime.

It's been some kind of week for us. Our home has been attacked by the germs that are flying around town. Just as Little Anna finished up her anti-biotics, she was hit with the flu. My mom, Emma and my husband all caught the bug! We had few hours of sleep and trying to catch up is not easy! It was truly the worst week for us as parents.

My heart goes to all the people in Japan! It makes me appreaciate what we have around us! I know that Japan will come back stronger than ever! My prayers also go to all my friends' family members in Japan.

The real estate market is picking up. Things are hopping and houses are selling.

Here's the latest article that i find interesting for you to review:

Global instability leads to lower mortgage rates in Canada
By | 16/03/2011 9:43:00 AM | 0 comments
Global instability, highlighted by turmoil in Libya and Japan, has caused Canadian banks to drop their mortgage rates.

Just as changes to mortgage rules come into effect Friday are likely to make borrowing for a new home more difficult, the latest drop in interest rates has helped potential new borrowers in the short term find a more affordable price.

The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), along with the Bank of Montreal, slashed its rates on various fixed rate mortgages. Other lenders are also expected to follow suit.

After heightened confidence led to mortgage rate increases last month, banks are now following the cue of declining bond rates, according to the Globe and Mail.

For the RBC, the country’s largest bank, its residential mortgage special fixed rate was unchanged at 3.2% for one-year closed mortgages, but its four-year special fixed rate for closed mortgages was reduced 0.15% to a rate of 4.19%.

The same rate, 4.19%, now applies to five-year special fixed rate closed mortgages, which are down 0.1%, while 5.1% applies to a seven-year closed special fixed rate, which is down 0.2%.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Prime rate unchanged

As expected, the Bank of Canada keeps rate unchanged.
Please see the attached article.


It's blurr cold out, please drive safe and stay warm!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to Anna

It's hard to believe that it's been 1 year. My little daughter celebrated her 1st birthday this month. We had a small party for her and she enjoyed 'sliding around' in her little tutu....

Our family has also been hit with the cold germs that have been circulating around town. We are still battling it, but hopefully it will go away soon enough.

Despite the cold, we still made it to the Home and Garden Show this past weekend. It was a 'big' show. It took us at least 3 hours to walk through the show and we could have spent more time there.

Today is the deadline to buy RRSP, if you are still considering rather it's better to buy RRSP or pay down your mortgage.
Here's a site that may answer some of the commonly asked questions:


Have a great week and try to stay warm!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Belated Valentine!

Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. It was a special one for us at our house!

What is wrong with this weather? How can we go from +9 to - 17 in 24 hours?

That's Calgary weather for you! Let's hope the weather will be nice this long weekend, so all the hockey fans will Freeze!

Here's an interesting article for you to read.


Have a great Family Day weekend! There are a lot of open houses out there, a great chance to spend some time with your family while finding your perfect home.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Birthday! it's the 7th day of Chinese New Year!

Happy Birthday to all of you!

As the 7th day of Chinese New Year is considered to be EVERYBODY's birthday.

We welcomed the year of the Golden Rabbit last Thursday and it has been non-stop eating ever since! I am sure I have gained weight from all the feasts.

Wishing you all health, fortune and prosperity in the year ahead.

What is the real estate market going to look like this year?
You will want to check out the attached article.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to Emma

Happy 4th Birthday to my dearest Emma.

We have a birthday party planned for her this weekend and she is so excited.

Her teacher told me that she invited all her classmeates to come, even though I told her that we cannot possibly invite all 40 kids to come at once....

We sang 'Happy Birthday' to her last night and she wished that 'she can see the Princesses again...' I didn't have to heart to tell her her parents are 'Disney out' and will not be going to see the princesses for quite sometime.

The real estate market continues to be busy. Houses are going fast, I am hearing more and more that clients are being 'outbid' by competing offers.


Please contact me today to find out how much of a mortgage amount you can qualify for.

Have a great weekend, and enjoy this very last day of warm weather.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CREB Breakfast Forecast 2011 & OMNI News interview

I had a busy week last week.

I attended the CREB Breakfast Forecast Conference today, it was very informative. Mr. Sano Stante is the new President and I know he will do well. He is a great listener and excellent leader.


I was also privileged to be interviewed by OMNI Chinese news on the upcoming changes to the mortgage rules. The interview was on Jan. 18th. If you understand Cantonese, check out the attached link to the Jan 18th news, abouth 4 minutes into the news.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Tighten Mortgage Rules effective March 18, 2011

We had a fun-filled weekend.

We enjoyed a night out at Stage West Theatre. It's a must-see. They are currently featuring 'Motown Gold: A Musical Revue'. It was great food and excellent entertainment.

We then bought last minute ticket for Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra to see 'Wizard of Oz in Concert'. It was so good. We watched the movie as the CPO provided the live soundtrack . I even saw a little girl dressed up as Dorothy with the shiny red shoes.

We ended the weekend on Sunday stopping at the Home Expo Show at the Stampede Grounds. I was sad that I missed Tommy Symth's presentations. But it was an event full of great information.

Finance Minister, Jim Flaherty announced yet ANOTHER change to the mortgage lending rules. Here's the summary of the changes:

. Max 30 year amortization on insured mortgages (ie. less than 20% downpayment)

. Max 85% limit on any insured refinance mortgage

. eliminate government insurance on secured Line of Credit

The change will take affect on March 18, 2011.


This will affect a lot of buyers.

If you are thinking of buying a home, you need to ACT NOW before the rule kicks in.

"The lower amortization limit, for example, reduces the purchasing power by roughly $25,000 for well-qualified homeowners with no debt, a 4% mortgage, and $60,000 in income."

Please contact me today and find out what is the maximum amount you can qualify for!
I am available 7 days a week to discuss your mortgage needs.

Have a great week ahead.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Most affordable cities for homes

TGIF! It's Friday already and I look forward to the weekend to do 'NOTHING'!

During my university days, I did not understand why people go home at 11 pm and enjoy sitting in front of the TV. I always had to be out and about doing something. Now, I totally appreciate the time of staying home and be a 'coach potatoe'. It's something that I don't get to do often. I enjoy coming home early at night so the kids can go to bed early and so we can enjoy some 'quiet time'.

Now, if the weather warms up for the weekend, that's even better!

I have attached this article that I think you will find interesting.


Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
It's hard to believe that it's 2011!
I know this will be a great year!

My family and I took a long 3 week vacation and it was a lot of fun!
We celebrated Christmas on board the Royal Caribbean’s 'Allure of the Seas'. It's the biggest cruise ship currently in service with a capacity of 6200 passengers. The turkey dinner on Christmas Eve was great and we were excited to enjoy a visit with Santa on Christmas morning.

We then spent 9 days in Disney World and rang in the new year at the Magic Kingdom. It was packed with people but it was well worth it. The fireworks were amazing, and I still cannot believe we stayed out for the countdown with the 2 kids (sleeping in the strollers of course!)

Our thoughts have also been with our close friend Connie and her family. While were away, we received the bad news of her husband's sudden passing at the age of 51. I could not stopped thinking about them during the entire trip. I know that they will find the strength and courage needed to get through this difficult time.

The real estate market is looking optismistic for the year ahead.


Time to beat the rush while interest rate is still low!